
As a personal historian, I work with people to turn family memories into treasured keepsakes for future generations. My presentation, “Telling Your Story, Sharing Your Life: Why Preserving Stories is Important and 6 Steps to Help Get You Started,” Audienceprovides useful information to help people do this for themselves. The presentation runs 60-75 minutes, depending on audience size and includes time for questions and answers.

I also present “Show & Tell for Adults” events. Remember Show and Tell in first grade? You brought something special to school and told everyone why that something was special. Well, that’s what happens at these events. Maybe it’s a favorite photo of dad in his military uniform, a tattered lace handkerchief from grandmother, or perhaps a quirky travel souvenir. It could be an antique bowl or grandfather’s pocket watch. Guests don’t have to show and tell; they can simply enjoy the stories.

The two presentations can also be scheduled together to create an entertaining luncheon or afternoon tea. I am currently booking presentations for 2022. For further information, please complete the Contact page.

Photo Copyright: <a href=’’>kasto / 123RF Stock Photo</a>